Information on the processing of personal data of job candidates
This document provides you with information about your rights related to the processing of your personal data by Smart Energy Holding a.s., Company ID: 10676406, headquartered at U Trezorky 921/2, Jinonice, 158 00 Prague 5, or by controlled or controlling entities that, together with Smart Energy Holding a.s., form a group within the meaning of Sections 71-91 of Act No. 90/2012 Coll., on Commercial Corporations.
We recommend that you read the information carefully. We have done our best to make them as understandable as possible. If anything is still unclear to you, we will be happy to explain any term or provision to you.
1. Who is the controller of your personal data?
The controller of personal data, i.e., the entity that determines the purposes and means of processing your personal data, specifically the personal data of business partners/suppliers, is the company Smart Energy Holding a.s. (hereinafter "SEH"). SEH has not appointed a data protection officer.
2. How are your personal data processed?
When processing personal data, we comply with applicable legal regulations, specifically Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016, known as the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR"), and related legal provisions.
3. What is the purpose and legal basis for processing personal data?
SEH processes your personal data solely for the purpose of utilizing them in the selection of future employees, including notifications about future job opportunities, assessing the suitability of candidates for job positions, contacting them, and preparing and conducting the recruitment process. SEH commits not to process your personal data in a manner incompatible with the aforementioned purposes.
The legal basis for processing is as follows:
- necessity of processing for the fulfilment of SEH's legal obligation according to Article 6(1)(c) of the GDPR;
- for the purposes of inspections by state and local government authorities;
- legitimate interest of SEH according to Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR – to review the data of job applicants and conduct a responsible selection for relevant job positions;
- necessity of processing for the fulfilment of contractual obligations according to Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR.
SEH processes personal data both manually and automatically through its employees and, where applicable, processors (see point 7 below). The protection of personal data by SEH is technically and organizationally secured in accordance with applicable legal regulations. Your personal data is not subject to automated decision-making or profiling.
4. Which of your personal data do we process?
For the purposes stated above, SEH processes categories of personal data, depending on the phase of the selection procedure during which these data are provided, including: name, surname, date and place of birth, email address, information about education attained, previous experience, academic titles, personal identification number, identity card number, bank account number, previous surnames, residential address, number of dependents, their names and surnames, health insurance information, name and surname of spouse or partner name and address of their employer. After the employment relationship is established, additional data such as salary and other benefits provided by us, work tasks, and evaluations are associated with these personal data. Furthermore, with the employee's consent, we may process personal data in the form of audio and video recordings or photographs, and information about the use of employer's information technology resources.
5. Period of Your Personal Data Processing
SEH processes personal data for the duration of the selection and recruitment process and for up to 1 year after its conclusion in case of potential repeated interest. After this period, or immediately upon the explicit request of the applicant, the personal data is deleted. If the job application is successful and the applicant begins working at SEH, the personal data will be transferred to the personnel file of the employee and will be processed for employment purposes in accordance with SEH's internal rules.
6. How do we protect your personal data?
7. To whom else do we transfer your personal data and why?
We generally do not transfer your personal data outside of SEH except in cases where:
- We have your consent;
- It involves a member of the SEH group (especially PHOTOMATE s.r.o., Photomate Logistic s.r.o., Photomate Energy s.r.o., Prokišova s.r.o., PHOTOMATE Polska Sp. z o.o., Poland, PHOTOMATE Hungary Kft., Hungary, LLC PHOTOMATE, Ukraine, PHOTOMATE BULGARIA EOOD, Bulgaria, PHOTOMATE Scandinavia ApS, Denmark, PHOTOMATE Green Energy Romania Srl., Romania, PHOTOMATE Eurasia LLC, Georgia, Photomate Scandinavia AB, Sweden, organizational units of PHOTOMATE s.r.o. in Estonia and Lithuania, Photomate Kazakhstan, PHOTOMATE CA LLC, Uzbekistan);
- Third parties acting as data processors on our behalf provide technical and organizational services, including software operation and data storage, and individuals providing accounting, tax services, or legal advice to the data controller according to our instructions;
- We fulfil obligations imposed by legal regulations, which may involve financial authorities or other relevant authorities when required by mandatory legal provisions.
Except as outlined above, we do not intend to transfer your personal data to countries outside the EU or international organizations.
8. What rights regarding personal data protection can you exercise?
With respect to your personal data that we process, you have the following rights that you may exercise against us as the Data Controller:
- right to obtain confirmation of the extent of your personal data processing and to access the data;
- right to rectification or completion of your personal data if the personal data is inaccurate or incomplete;
- right to erasure or restriction of the processing of your personal data if the conditions set out in the legislation are met;
- right to object to your personal data processing;
- right to transfer of your personal data to another data controller.
In the event that we process some of your personal data based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of such personal data at any time.
You may exercise all of your rights by submitting a written request to the Data Controller to the address of the SEH registered seat or by sending an e-mail to
Should you believe that the processing of your personal data violates the statutory regulations, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent EU national data protection authority.